Revisiting Dora's case

Classical psychoanalytic cases

  • Jacqueline Schaeffer
Keywords: hysteria, hysterical symptoms, psychosomatic symptoms, symptom function, conversion, displacement, reenactment, countertransference, affect inversion, transference, countertransference


In this article, the author reflects on the case of Dora, a young patient treated by Freud, whose essay "Fragment of an Analysis of Hysteria (Dora)" was published in 1905. A revision of Dora's analysis highlights the differences between hysterical and psychosomatic symptoms, which are particularly indistinguishable in hysteria. Contemporary authors continue to explore and revise this clinical case and highlight paradoxical defences in hysteria such as: counteridentification, desire for unmet desire, inversion of manipulation, representation seeking and risk of depression if unsuccessful. In this article, Dora's case is discussed with reference to contemporary psychoanalytic research, particularly that of the Paris Psychosomatic School.


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Author Biography

Jacqueline Schaeffer

Jacqueline Schaeffer, psychoanalyst, full-time member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society (SPP), training analyst of SPP, winner of the Maurice Bouve Psychoanalytic Prize (1987).

How to Cite
SchaefferJ. (2025). Revisiting Dora’s case. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 5(4), 6-14. Retrieved from