Psychoanalytic view of the "toxicity" phenomenon

Psychoanalytic research

  • Timur Rafidovich Valeev
Keywords: toxic, toxicity, toxic relationship, psychology of toxicity, toxic person, psychological defenses, intoxication of the psyche, object relationships, projection, transference


This paper offers a psychoanalytic representation of the term "toxicity". Based on the phenomena of transference, projection, projective identification and resistance, the author offers his own formulation of the term "toxicity" and describes the mechanism of this phenomenon. Toxicity is an unconscious overreaction of the psychological defenses of one person when faced with the defense mechanisms of another person. The material is based on the works of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion and Nancy McWilliams.


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Author Biography

Timur Rafidovich Valeev

Valeev Timur Rafidovich, Master of Psychology (Higher School of Economiсs), psychoanalytically oriented consultant. Co-founder of the international platform

How to Cite
ValeevT. R. (2022). Psychoanalytic view of the "toxicity" phenomenon. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 3(1), 138-148. Retrieved from