Psychoanalytic act or psychoanalyst's actions in the service of the process of subjectivation


  • Bernard Penot
Keywords: interpretation, subject, supposed to know, desire of analyst, transference and countertransference, analytical process, subjectivation


Acknowledging the psychoanalyst's active role in the treatment process is a prerequisite for determining the specifics of the psychoanalytic act, that is, what distinguishes psychoanalysis from other psychotherapeutic approaches. First of all, it is important to consider what characteristics inherent in the psychoanalyst create special conditions for the beginning of the analysis, when the analyst offers himself as an object for transfer.

Then, in the process of treatment, he must maneuver between, on the one hand, the need to perceive, accept and endure the transference without prejudice, on the other hand, he must at a certain moment be able to interpret the transference ("refute") in order to make it subjective and accessible for patient understanding.


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Author Biography

Bernard Penot

Bernard Penot, psychiatrist, training analyst, titular member of Psychoanalytical Society of Paris, medical director of the day hospital for adolescents du Parc Montsouris (14th district of Paris) from 1988 to 2004.

How to Cite
PenotB. (2021). Psychoanalytic act or psychoanalyst’s actions in the service of the process of subjectivation. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 2(2), 6-21. Retrieved from