The film «Scenes from Married Life» (Ingmar Bergman, 1973) as an attempt to sublimate I. Bergman's traumatic infantile experiences

Psychoanalysis of cinema

  • Sergei V. Kostenko
Keywords: narcissism, sublimation, reparation, anaclitic depression, psychic bisexuality, dream


The analysis of personalities of famous artists has always attracted the attention of clinical psychoanalysis, since creativity is an attempt to sublimate the traumatic experiences of its creator. Applied psychoanalysis serves to enrich the theory and practice of clinical psychoanalysis. In addition, such studies can be valuable for art criticism, providing them with a different optics for analyzing the personality and creativity of the artist. The object of research of this work is the film by I. Bergman "Scenes from Married Life" (1973). The paper attempts to identify the traumatic experiences of the famous Swedish director and screenwriter, recognized as one of the greatest directors in the history of auteur cinema (Cowie, 1992). The author's film is considered in the work like I. Bergman's dream, as a director and screenwriter of the film, which allows us to use the latent film material to study the director's mental life and identify his traumatic experiences.


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Author Biography

Sergei V. Kostenko

Kostenko Sergei V., clinical psychologist, Master of Psychology, psychoanalytic psychotherapist.

How to Cite
KostenkoS. V. (2024). The film «Scenes from Married Life» (Ingmar Bergman, 1973) as an attempt to sublimate I. Bergman’s traumatic infantile experiences. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 5(1), 195-221. Retrieved from