Psychoanalytic view on the styles of political leadership in the approach of M. Kets de Vries based on the material of feature films

Psychoanalysis of leadership

  • Valerian V. Razovskiy
Keywords: leader, political leadership, leadership, management, psychoanalysis, style of political leadership, type of political organization, leadership relations, M. Kets de Vries


In modern society and culture, leadership is viewed as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon. In modern psychological works, there is no single understanding of leadership, which means that it is necessary to consider different concepts of leadership in economics and psychology. In this study, an overview of these concepts is made, their features are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the psychoanalytic understanding of leadership and leadership, in particular, the clinical approach of M. Kets de Vries. Its theoretical foundations, the logic of understanding leadership, its connection with emotional intelligence, and the typologies given are summarized. On this basis, this study analyzes three feature films in the clinical approach of M. Kets de Vries. During the analysis, it turned out to consider the personal life stories of political leaders, the peculiarities of their personality, character, career growth, communication and interaction with colleagues, subordinates and superiors. The obtained data are correlated with the characterological features of the personality according to M. Kets de Vries, their structural correspondences are highlighted. On this basis, these characters are considered in the typology of leaders developed by the author, correlated with leadership styles and types of organizations.


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Author Biography

Valerian V. Razovskiy

Razovskiy Valerian V., MPsych, psychologist (Higher School of Economiсs), psychoanalytic counsellor.

How to Cite
RazovskiyV. V. (2024). Psychoanalytic view on the styles of political leadership in the approach of M. Kets de Vries based on the material of feature films. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(4), 90-103. Retrieved from