Dissociation: philosophical and clinical understanding

Psychoanalytical psychopathology

  • Maksim G. Pestov
Keywords: dissociation, therapeutic relationship, intersubjectivity, borderline situation, object relations theory, relational psychoanalysis, Lacanian psychoanalysis, multiple states of self, enactment


Dissociation is the most important mental mechanism organizing subjectivity. The article provides a study of the phenomenon of dissociation through philosophical and clinical optics, as well as a description of psychotherapeutic work taking into account the logic of the dissociative process and the possibility of integration.


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Author Biography

Maksim G. Pestov

Pestov Maksim G., MD, psychologist (Higher School of Economics), supervisor and trainer of PP GP, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, member of EAGT, IARPP, ROTFP.

How to Cite
PestovM. G. (2024). Dissociation: philosophical and clinical understanding. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(4), 21-32. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/18974