Delirium as a type of mental activity

French psychoanalysis

  • Vassilis Kapsambelis
Keywords: delusion, hallucination, delusional ideas, neoreality, negativity, unprocessed emotional experience, onirism, schizophrenia


This article examines the mental function of delusional activity, delusion is considered as an independent mental activity, a product of a combination, on the one hand, of proprioceptive activity associated with the biological nature of the body, and on the other hand, of exteroceptive activity aimed at “other than myself”, at an object .


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Author Biography

Vassilis Kapsambelis

Vassilis Kapsambelis, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, member of the International Psycho- analytic Association (IPA), titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society (SPP), ex- director general of the Association of Mental Health of the 13th arrondissement of Paris (AMS 13), editor-in-chief of the journal "Revue Française Psychonalytique", has been working with patients who function on the other side of neurosis – with borderline states and psychosis.

How to Cite
KapsambelisV. (2024). Delirium as a type of mental activity. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(4), 6-20. Retrieved from