The concept of a frame in psychoanalysis. The denial function in the après-coup process

French psychoanalysis

  • Bernard Chervet
Keywords: frame, après-coup, denial, analitical situation, traumatical experience, free associations, countertransference, free-floating attention


This article discusses such a fundamental psychoanalytic concept as a frame, as well as the process of après-coup. The author tells in detail about the origin of the concept of frame in the works of well-known psychoanalysts, dwelling in more detail on the conceptualization of the frame in the works of José Bleger, the article presents clinical examples of José Bleger and Bernard Chervet, illustrating the process of actualizing the patient's past experience in an analytical situation, on the example of which one can see the unfolding of the process of après-coup in the psychoanalytical work.


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Author Biography

Bernard Chervet

Bernard Chervet, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, training analyst of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society (SPP), former president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, member of the Council and Executive Committee of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), scientific director of the Congress of Francophone Psychoanalysts (CPLF), winner of the Maurice Bouvet Prize, author of numerous articles and of the book "Après-coup in Psychoanalysis: the Fulfillment of Desire and Thought".

How to Cite
ChervetB. (2023). The concept of a frame in psychoanalysis. The denial function in the après-coup process. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(2), 6-24. Retrieved from