What we do with and without erotic transference?

Theory and practice of psychoanalysis

  • Andrey Vladimirovich Rossokhin
Keywords: psychoanalysis, quantum psychoanalysis, transference, countertransference, erotic transference, primal scene, intertransference, interpretation


In the proposed article, the author argues that ambivalent intertransference exists from the very beginning of the psychoanalytic process and represents a dynamically changing balance between erotic and aggressive components. Erotic transference and countertransference are inseparably linked with the primal scenes of the patient and the analyst respectively. The analyst's ability to maintain and work through erotic transference without its transition into “hot” phases; to get out of them, if they arise, preserving the psychoanalytic process – all this directly depends on the stability of his internal triangularity, namely, on a good enough acceptance of his own primal scene. This will allow him to accept all kinds of paternal and maternal projections of the patient and to be for him in transference and countertransference different images of mother and father at the same time. The analyst's ability of simultaneous unconscious empathic identifi cation with the latter directly depends on the, to a certain extent, confl ict–free inner space of the primal scene that has developed in his own analysis - the erotic coexistence of the paternal and maternal, masculine and feminine. The theoretical positions are illustrated in detail by the analysis of the psychotherapeutic case.


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Author Biography

Andrey Vladimirovich Rossokhin

Rossokhin Andrey V., Titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society (SPP), Doctor of Science* in Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychoanalysis and Business Consulting at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Head of the Master's Programs "Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy" and "Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Business Consulting", member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), President of the Moscow Psychoanalytical Association (MPA), Honorary President of the Association of Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Consulting (APCBC), Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis the Association of Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Consulting (APCBC).

How to Cite
RossokhinA. V. (2023). What we do with and without erotic transference?. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(1), 26-43. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/17094