Leonardo da Vinci, a memory of his childhood memories and the Burlington House Cartoon

French psychoanalysis

  • Denis Ribas
Keywords: repression, condensation, sublimation, fetishism, drive transformation


This article examines Sigmund Freud's essay "An Early Memories of Leonardo da Vinci", published in 1910, analyzes the mistakes made by Freud in translation and various hypotheses regarding the connection between Leonardo's work, his personal history and the peculiarities of his mental functioning. The author, on the basis of an extensive bibliography, explores the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci, puts forward hypotheses regarding the mental functioning of a genius, the protective mechanisms that prevail in him, manifested in his work – пon his canvases.


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Author Biography

Denis Ribas

Denis Ribas, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, past-president of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society (SPP), former director of the «Journal of French Psychoanalysis» (Revue française de psychanalyse). For a long time, Denis Ribas managed the daytime department of a children's psychiatric hospital and worked with children with autism spectrum disorders. The results of many years of clinical experience are refl ected in the books «The Mystery of Autistic Children», «Disagreements on the Theme of Autism and the Search for Common Ground», «Dangerous Unliaisons» and numerous articles on the topic of destructiveness associated with the unleashing of drives.

How to Cite
RibasD. (2023). Leonardo da Vinci, a memory of his childhood memories and the Burlington House Cartoon. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 4(1), 6-25. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/17093