Cannibalistic Fantasy and Identification Issues

Primal phantasies

  • Olga Alekseevna Kalcheva
Keywords: pervofantazm, cannibalistic fantasy, murder of the primitive father, repentance, ambivalent phase of the development of drives, aggressive drives, identification, incorporation, integration of aggressive impulses, love, hate, unconscious guilt, obsessive neurosis, Super Ego


The unconscious, in the psychoanalytic sense, contains inherited archaic traces of the primitive mental organization of primitive people. The primal fantasy of the cannibalistic meal, described by Freud, is such a structuring mental element that exists before the origin of the subject's structure, and has a symbolic meaning in the development of thinking. Cannibalistic fantasy is closely connected with the primal fantasy of the primal scene, with questions of the origin of life, the possession of an object, identification tasks and an unconscious sense of guilt. Speaking about the role of cannibalistic primal fantasy, we can think about the origins of the ambivalence of drives, about the unconscious psychic act of absorption and destruction, as well as about the preservation and appropriation of the qualities of an oral object. The mastery of aggressive drives, along with the love of the object, and the subsequent rejection of the incestuous object of love, is the psychic fate of the individual.


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Author Biography

Olga Alekseevna Kalcheva

Kalcheva Olga A., psychologist, psychology teacher, methodologist at the ANO DPO "Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis on Clean Ponds", additional education in the field of psychoanalysis, associate member of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Association (MPA).

How to Cite
KalchevaO. A. (2023). Cannibalistic Fantasy and Identification Issues. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 3(4), 45-53. Retrieved from