Ripping off shukura from the orchestra. From S. Dali to D. Anzier. Socio-psychological features of a child's development with an absent father figure

Psychoanalysis of art

  • Alyona Lunina
Keywords: father's law,


Leather – this topic is inexhaustible. Both in psychoanalytic literature and in the world art space, attempts are being made to comprehend what a metaphor of skin, shell is for a person. Salvador Dali's painting "Three young surreal women holding orchestra skins in their hands" is an accurate, silent illustration of the ideas expressed by D. Anzier about I-skin. In this article, the picture is considered in two directions of thought – from the point of view of "skin" functioning and from the point of view of establishing the Law of the Father on the example of the case of a patient suffering from psoriasis.


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Author Biography

Alyona Lunina

Lunina Alyona D., clinical psychologist, psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapist, associate member of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Association, postgraduate student of the Moscow State Regional University (MSOU).

How to Cite
LuninaA. (2022). Ripping off shukura from the orchestra. From S. Dali to D. Anzier. Socio-psychological features of a child’s development with an absent father figure. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 3(2), 139-144. Retrieved from