Psycholinguistic Aspects of Speech Influence of a Psychoanalyst

Theoretical studies

  • Evgeniya Averskaya
Keywords: speech, language, communication, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, psycholinguistics, activity theory, unconscious, psychoanalyst, joint activity, cooperation, communication


This article is devoted to the analysis of the foundations of the general psychological theory of activity, the theory of speech activity or domestic psycholinguistics, the theory of professional communication. The key ideas of the theory and practice of modern psychoanalysis are considered. The article substantiates the ideas of considering psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy as a special kind of symbolic activity. The tasks of organizing joint activities and communication between a psychoanalyst (psychotherapist) and an analysand, aspects of speech interaction, the role of language in achieving the goals of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy are described. The psycholinguistic characteristics of the speech influence of a psychoanalyst (psychoanalytic psychotherapist) are analyzed. The article is based on the works of representatives of Russian psycholinguistics: A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Leontiev, E.F. Tarasov, S.V. Myskin, psychotherapists I.V. Zhuravlev and Yu.V. Zhuravleva, as well as on the basis of the works of representatives of psychoanalysis: A.V. Rossokhin, L.I. Fusu, J. Lacan, R.R. Greenson, B. Joseph, P. Sover, N.V. Main and many other authors.


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Author Biography

Evgeniya Averskaya

Averskaya Evgeniya V., graduate of Moscow City University, graduate of school of practical psychoanalysis by N.V. Main, student of Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis on ChistyePrudy, psychoanalytically oriented psychologist.

How to Cite
AverskayaE. (2022). Psycholinguistic Aspects of Speech Influence of a Psychoanalyst. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 3(2), 119-129. Retrieved from