Neutrality in psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic concepts

  • Galina Sergeevna Minaeva
Keywords: psychoanalysis, psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis technique, transference, countertransference, setting, transfer, neutrality


If you open any textbook on psychoanalysis, whether in French or in other foreign languages, then the psychoanalytic technique section will necessarily have the following items:
The basic rule of psychoanalysis is to say whatever comes to mind, without sorting or rejecting anything for whatever reason. It includes the following basic principles underlying mental changes: a) restoration of the connection between two elements separated from each other; b) detection of previously unconscious cause-and-effect relationships.

Other elements of psychoanalytic technique, implemented in parallel with the basic rule, include the following principles:
The neutrality of the psychoanalyst, which will be discussed in this article.
Payment for sessions – returns the meaning of "service" to psychoanalytic treatment, in the modern sense of the word. Such a necessary counterweight, both symbolic and real, returns all objects and elements to their places, which would be connected by their very quality and intensity. Always the same duration of sessions – helps to avoid any pretexts on the part of the patient to limit him from any positive or negative premeditation: prolongation, reduction or cancellation of sessions.

When we read the chapters on countertransference and on transference, we will definitely find a reference to the analyst's neutrality.
So what is neutrality? What is the difference between neutrality, neutral, neutrality? What are the characteristics?


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Author Biography

Galina Sergeevna Minaeva

Minaeva Galina Sergeevna, neuropsychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychosomatic, candidate of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), candidate of the Paris Psychoanalytic Association (SPP), lecturer and supervisor of the Department of Psychoanalysis of the HSE.

How to Cite
MinaevaG. S. (2022). Neutrality in psychoanalysis. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 3(1), 83-91. Retrieved from