Work Culture Analysis & Reflective Space


  • James Krantz
Keywords: work culture, organizational culture analysis, socioanalysis, systems- psychodynamic approach, reflective space


Reflection is the goal that underlies all socioanalytic methods, and the various social technologies that comprise socioanalytic method are ultimately aimed at reflective practice. The article explores what reflective practice means from a socioanalytic viewpoint, emphasising both the importance of reflection in today’s organisations as well as the considerable barriers to incorporating it in ongoing work life.


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Author Biography

James Krantz

James Krantz is an organizational consultant and researcher from New York City where he is the Managing Principal of Worklab, a firm that concentrates on strategy implementation and senior team development. Worklab draws on psychoanalysis and systems thinking to address organizational challenges from an integrated psychological and technical perspective. Jim earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Economics from Wesleyan University and a Ph.D. in Systems Sciences from the Wharton School. He has served on the faculties of Yale and Wharton, and has taught at numerous universities including Columbia, Harvard, INSEAD, the Universidad de Chile. Jim is a Distinguished Member and past president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO), a Fellow of the A.K. Rice Institute, and former Director of the Center for Socio-Analytic Studies at IPTAR. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Organisational and Social Dynamics, and Socio-Analysis. Jim’s writing has focused on the impact of emerging social trends on management, issues of leadership in contemporary organizations, and on the socio- psychological challenges posed by new forms of organization.

How to Cite
KrantzJ. (2021). Work Culture Analysis & Reflective Space. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 2(2), 131-150. Retrieved from