The Psychotic Organization: A Socio-Analytic Perspective


  • Burkard Sievers
Keywords: social defense mechanisms, psychotic organization, socioanalysis


"The Psychotic Organization: A Socio-Analytic Perspective" has somehow become the leitmotiv of my research and writing on organization and management for about a decade. First, I would like to introduce my understanding of organization from a socio-analytic perspective. I will then briefly describe the experience of a Group Relations Conference in which organizational madness predominated. In the third part I will outline my understanding of psychotic organization and indicate some of the thinkers and sources upon which I have built my conceptualization. The fourth part comprises some of the insights that I have gained in ‘applying’ this perspective to various organizational and societal dynamics. In the conclusion, the assumption is further elaborated that the psychotic organization as a socio-analytic attempt at understanding organizations in depth opens up new thinking and important vistas on the theory and politics of organizations.


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Author Biography

Burkard Sievers

Dr. Burkard Sievers, Professor of Organizational Development in the Department of Economics, Management and Social Sciences at Bergische Universität Wuppertal in Germany, where he teaches and writes on management and organization theory from a psychoanalytic perspective and an action research approach. He received his Dr. Soz. Wiss. from the University of Bielefeld in 1972 and has held visiting appointments at various universities abroad. Dr. Sievers is co-editor of Freie Assoziation – Zeitschrift für das Unbewusste in Organisation und Kultur. He was awarded the 1995 International Award for Participation from the HBK-Spaarbank in Antwerp (Belgium) for his book Work, Death, and Life Itself. Essays on Management and Organization (de Gruyter, 1994). He is President of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations for the period 2005-2007 and co- director of ‘Organizations in Depth’, an International Professional Development Program held in Coesfeld/Cologne, Germany.

How to Cite
SieversB. (2021). The Psychotic Organization: A Socio-Analytic Perspective. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 2(2), 109-130. Retrieved from