Features of dreams in liminal (psychosomatic) functioning


  • Larisa Fusu
Keywords: psychosomatic functioning, operativeness,


Psychosomatic functioning is liminal, transitional and can be placed between borderline and psychotic. This functioning is characterized by a meager onyrical and phantasmatic life. The ability to mentalize, associative thinking is poorly expressed, moreover, according to A. Green they have a central phobic position in the form of avoidance of associativeness. Such avoidance leads to mental mortification, the extreme expression of which is a marginal version of psychosomatic functioning – operativeness, machine-likeness. Dreams of such patients are either absent, or amaze with their scarcity and deserted spaces (the patient himself, people and living creatures are absent in such kinds of dreams). Often, we observe recurring dreams – traumatic, reproducing real traumas of the past. "Raw" dreams are presented as an undisguised realization of drives, without the slightest sign of mental elaboration.


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Author Biography

Larisa Fusu

Fusu Larisa Ivanovna – psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, psychoanalytic psychosomatic, candidate of medical sciences. Rector of the Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis on Chistye prudy.

How to Cite
FusuL. (2021). Features of dreams in liminal (psychosomatic) functioning. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 2(1), 71-80. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/12411