Working with dreams. Interpretations from chimaera


  • Tatiana Stankevich
Keywords: dream work, psychoanalytical session, transfer, counter-transfer, mental apparatus, regression, psychic chimaera, psychoanalytical process, intervention, interpretation


Since Freud described the mechanisms and characteristic of the primary process in his "Interpretations of Dreams", where the work of the dream was identified as the functioning of the pair primary-secondary process, the understanding of the work of a dream and the work with a dream were significantly enriched. Thanks to Freud’s followers, the work of dream has evolved over time into a model of working in a psychoanalytical session with a neurotic patient – a model that establishes the similarity between session and dream. In cases of psychoanalysis of non-neurotic structures, through the study of various forms of deny, it became an indicator of dysfunction of mental functioning. One of the tools in understanding the material of such patients is the concept of "psychic chimaera" created by Michel de M'Uzan. This article presents some examples of interpretations of dreams from "psychic chimaera".


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Author Biography

Tatiana Stankevich

Stankevich Tatiana Leonidovna – clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society (SPP), senior lecturer of the Master’s Program in Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy of the Higher School of Economics.

How to Cite
StankevichT. (2021). Working with dreams. Interpretations from chimaera. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 2(1), 61-70. Retrieved from