Mission of applied psychoanalysis: history and modernity

Прикладные психоаналитические исследования

  • Vladimir Aleksandrovich Medvedev
Keywords: psychoanalysis, applied psychoanalysis, Freud, anti-crisis management, psychoanalytic professional corporation


The article presents a historical and genetic approach to describing the nature and mission of applied psychoanalysis as an effective complex method of anti-crisis management of oneself, a professional group, social elite, a specific mass of people, or society as a whole. As an illustration of the application of this kind of technique, the author proposes an analysis of its implementations in the field of organizing psychoanalysis as a professional corporation.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Medvedev

Medvedev Vladimir Aleksandrovich – Ph.D., full member and head of the Russian branch of the International Society for Applied Psychoanalysis (ISAP), head of the international research project RUSSIAN IMAGO. Director of educational programs of the St. Petersburg Psychoanalytical Center.

How to Cite
MedvedevV. A. (2020). Mission of applied psychoanalysis: history and modernity. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 1(2), 89-100. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/11386