Remote psychoanalysis: skype or phone?

Психоанализ во время карантина

  • Delphine Miermont Schilton
  • François Richard
Keywords: quarantine, psychoanalytic frame, psychoanalytic practice, socio-sanitary crisis


We propose a reflection on the problems posed to psychoanalytic practice by the current socio-sanitary crisis. If, in the face of the Coronavirus, safety imperatives and cautionary urgencies prevail over clinical and psychoanalytic considerations, nevertheless we can keep alive our connection to our patients. Delphine Miermont-Schilton puts forward some theoretical-clinical propositions, which François Richard prolongs with some additional hypotheses.


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Author Biographies

Delphine Miermont Schilton

Delphine Miermont Schilton – psychoanalyst, member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society, author of numerous articles.

François Richard

François Richard – psychoanalyst, professor of psychopathology at the University Paris VII Denis Diderot, titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society, author of numerous books and articles.

How to Cite
SchiltonD. M., & RichardF. (2020). Remote psychoanalysis: skype or phone?. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 1(2), 53-62. Retrieved from