Voice as a psychoanalytic phenomenon

Psychoanalytic researches

  • Anna A. Pilyavina
Keywords: voice, logos, essence of speech, music of language, mother's language, Superego, linguistics, phono behavior, interpretation, communication, sonor space, transitional phenomenon, verbalization, act of speaking and attraction, act of speech, primary connections, cry, singing, opera


This article brings together various concepts of voice and places them as phenomena in a wider contexts of science, professional studies and psychoanalytic activities.
We have explored the evolution of psychoanalytic concepts of sound and voice, covering several aspects: voice as an object, voice as a means of communication, philosophy of voice, music of language, as well as features and peculiarities of analytical processes with the help of voice. The article poses that voice is not only an acoustic phenomenon, but also an instrument in its relationship with the Other. The article implements a brief psychoanalytic analysis of the phenomenon of voice using the example of classical opera. It is important to note that some of the theses and statements of this article still need to be further refined as they explore new goals when it comes to studying voice. The work has thus raised new questions rather than gives answers.


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Author Biography

Anna A. Pilyavina

Anna A. Pilyavina, Master of Psychology (HSE), Psychoanalytically-oriented psychothe- rapist, Clinical psychologist.

How to Cite
PilyavinaA. A. (2020). Voice as a psychoanalytic phenomenon. Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, 1(1), 94–107. Retrieved from https://psychoanalysis-journal.hse.ru/article/view/10840